Press Release For Hampton Court Palace Flower Show
We’re delighted to announce that our sister company, EMJ Architects, will be working with Bath based Landscape Architect, Emma Bannister, on the Hampton Court Palace Flower Show this year.
Local Landscape Architect selected to present Show Garden for the RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show in support of National Charity, NAPS.
Bath based Landscape architect Emma Bannister and Ben Donadel of EMJ Architects are delighted that the Royal Horticultural Society have selected their design as one of the large Show Gardens at this year’s popular Hampton Court Flower Show (5 -10 July).
Working with the charity National Association of Premenstrual Syndrome (NAPS), the garden is designed to raise awareness of a very common women’s health condition, Premenstrual Syndrome. known as PMS or PMT and also the more serious condition Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD). ” It is estimated that as many as 30% of women can experience moderate to severe PMS, with 5-8% suffering severe PMS/PMDD, this being around 800,000 in the UK. *
The gardens were announced by the RHS on February 18th but the idea for the design goes back to before last year’s show.
The garden is supported by many of the suppliers to the garden such as Gaysha surfaces, Practicality Brown and Bridgewater based Musgrove Willows, as well as a number of private individuals and supporters. We will be seeking financial support right up to the start of the show as we currently don’t have a main sponsor.”
The idea to do a Show Garden, came to Emma last June when she was on her knees in the hot sun, planting a new border for a client in Bath. Her colleague, Jonathon Roelofse who had helped out on a RHS show garden a few years ago, was having a go at her for setting out the plants too close together and said, “we’re not doing Chelsea”. That comment got her thinking about doing a show garden and later on, when Ben offered the support of EMJ architects, the idea started to turn into a real possibility.
Emma said, “I have worked with EMJ architects for over 5 years, firstly at The Lansdown Club and then mainly with garden designs and assessment reports for residential planning applications. Show Garden design is a big change for us but the design of the garden with its’ mix of strong structural elements, sustainable materials and naturalistic planting reflects our work. Plus, with this project, we only have show judges to worry about, not planning officers!”
“I have worked with the trustees of NAPS, including Mr Nick Panay, the leading gynaecologist, to get the message of the garden right. The concept relates to the connection between contrasting moods and the four hormones involved in the cycle of ovulation. It is quite a subtle design, considering the subject matter and we have deliberately kept away from any red planting, focusing on the mental health aspects of this condition.
We hope that when members of the public walk into and around the garden they are able to get a sense of the mood changes that some women suffer from. For others, and their partners, these feelings may be only too familiar and information and support will be on-hand to help all visitors. We also hope that the main elements of the garden will be rebuilt in the grounds of a hospital or clinic so that raised awareness of PMS can continue, after the show ends. “
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