

The property is situated on a steeply sloping site. The front of the property is single storey whilst at the rear a series of under crofts were accessible from the rear garden.

The scheme comprises the conversion of the existing lower ground floor under crofts at garden level to provide additional living accommodation; this is linked to the existing ground floor via a two storey fully glazed extension. The existing ground floor layout is altered to provide a new kitchen, open plan living area with two new balconies introduced at the rear of the property.

he design had to minimise the impact of the alterations on the surrounding Green Belt, the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty and Bath’s World Heritage status. This has been achieved by bringing the under croft areas into the habitable volume of the house to create additional floor space and so limiting the size of the extended elements.

The appearance of the rear extension continues in this vein, through its total construction in glass. The lightweight construction contrasts with the solid stone mass of the original house with the extensive     glazing reflecting the surrounding woodland and blending it into the adjacent natural landscape.

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